PBC 1300
A very Strong alkaline cleaner that provides alkali buffering during the cleaning process. This buffer allows for a stronger and longer alkalinity PH. PBC 1300 has additional ingredients to help maximize the performance, the first one is water conditioning agents that combines water insoluble minerals with the conditioning agent to make a water-soluble complex. The second ingredient is a wetting system, this surface tension of the water and help the 1300 attach the soil from all sides. We believe this to be the best caustic cleaner on the market. Usage: Kettle, Fermenters, Brites, Keg and Small Wares- Cannot be used on areas with soft metal such as canning line
PBC 1320
A caustic/non caustic blend. PBC # 1320 is an excellent substitution for caustic cleaning products. The 1320 combines mild alkaline products, water conditioning agents and oxidizing power to help thoroughly help get your brewery clean.
Usage: Kettle, Fermenters, Brites, Keg and Small Wares and Canning line
PBC 1340
Is a mildly alkaline product that is perfect for general and manual cleaning. PBC 1340 offers multiple water conditioning agents and foaming surfactants that help get out difficult caked on organic soils. This product is not only safe on all parts in the brewery but safe on your skin as well. Usage: Kettle, Fermenters, Brites, Keg and Small Wares and Canning line
What does the term caustic/non caustic mean?
The blend has the PH of a product with sodium hydroxide but does not contain any sodium hydroxide in the blend. Caustic/non-caustic are known to be safer for the staf