This blog will be focused on using a Hot Acid wash as the first step within a CIP process to Rid
out beer stone or other build up. Over the years many breweries have acquired used
equipment from an older brewery and have had serious residue. Or a brewer has recently seen
a buildup of a residue where their standard caustic will just not rid out the residue.
The process the SLBC engineers recommend 99% of the time is a very specific HOT ACID Wash…
The hot acid wash is the first step in the cycle… The goal is to allow the acid to loosen the bond
of the residue to the stainless steel. Between the heat and the acid, a strong reaction occurs
which will loosen the bonds buildup to the stainless steel.
The product and temperature for this process. A Phosphoric based acid blend is the key blend
for this process. In breweries we commonly see Phosphoric/Nitric blends utilized in acid rinse.
For this process, we want to use an acid that can optimize in hot water over 165⁰F +.. Phosphoric acid has this ability and Nitric will begin to breakdown at 160⁰. Our recommendation is to utilize a phosphoric acid blend which is different than straight Phosphoric 75%. A blend will have wetting agents and building agents which will optimize the process.
After the HOT Acid Wash, we will be using a 2% caustic wash followed by a Low Dose Acid Rinse.
The low dose acid rinse will neutralize any residue from the caustic cycle.
Step 1 Hose Rinse
Time- 5 Minute
• A simple hose rinse of the vessel... Hot water, if possible, to break way any
debris within the vessel
Step 2 Hot Acid Wash
Dose – 1 ounce of phosphoric based solution to 1 gallon of water
SLBC Product CIP CID #1840
Temperature -165⁰F to 180⁰F
Time- 20 -30 Minute
Step 3-Hose Rinse-Ambient
Time 2 Min- aiming to keep stainless warm
• We recommend an ambient temperature hose rinse. Note: there is different
schools of thoughts within doing a hose rinse… our lab has tested, and
results indicated to hose rinse. The hose rinse will allow any acid residue to
be minimized allowing the next step (Caustic Wash) to be optimized.
Step 4 Caustic Cycle
Dosage : 2% solution (3 ounce/Gallon)
SLBC Products- PBC #1300. Powder Caustic
Temperature 140⁰+
Time 25-30 Min
• The caustic cycle is a key factor within the cleaning process. The high
alkalinity aids the cleaning of the vessel. It will break down soils and fats
left behind from the brew. Key elements will be heat and time. A caustic
cycle can be optimized with circulation and heat. If you can obtain heat
above 140⁰-160⁰it will optimize.
Step 3- Hose Rinse
• Simple hose down of the vessel for a minute or two depending on size. The
hose rinse will again allow for rinsing of any Solids or debris left behind
from caustic cycle.
Step 4- Acidified Rinse-Low dosing
Dosage: 2 ounces to 5 Gallons
Temperature: Ambient
Time: 10-15 Min
The acidified rinse has 2 important factors:
• Although Caustic Cleaner is a strong cleaner, it does not rinse well. It can
allow a caustic film to build up in this step. The acidified rinse step
neutralizes this film. If this film is not neutralized it can cause a buildup and
this build up could evolve into a form of residue such as beer stone.
• The Acidified Rinse although conditions the tank for future use. After an
acid rinse cycle the vessel is not ready for its next brew. A clean layer of
polished stainless steel with no film builds up. The vessel will have no
residue or film for future solids to adhere to.
Step 4-Santize to local Code with EPA registered Sanitizer
This process may take several applications depending on the severity of the
residue. The goal is to rid the entire vessel of residue. Over the years we have
seen some very serious build ups that have taken 3-5 cycles. As you do each cycle
you should see progress of the breakdown. If after 2 of these cycles you are not
seeing progress, please reach out to your account manager as he/she will connect
you with one of our engineers. Note: Pictures of the buildup are always welcome.